
Occupational Health & Safety Consultation Services

Your Workplace Safety Resource

Services Provided by Radiant Safety Group Include:

Client / customer interface (subcontractor/client meetings, planning & training events, etc.)

Company EH&S staff support

Incident Investigation / Reporting Assistance

OSHA Workplace and OSHA Log Preparation

Health and Safety Planning

Job Hazard & Job Safety Analysis Preparation and Review

Project and Safety personnel mentoring / leadership

Project Safety Audits / Inspections

Safety Communications (Toolbox Talks, Lessons Learned, Safety Alerts)

Safety Culture Education

Safety Consultation

Safety Programs

Safety Team Involvement

Workplace Hazard Assessments

OSHA Injury & Illness Recordkeeping & Reporting

Let us help you navigate the electronic recordkeeping system, understand general recording criteria and how to classify workplace injuries, complete OSHA reporting forms, and comply with the requirements around reporting fatal and serious incidents as outlined in 1904 OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements.

Incident Investigations

Are you prepared to handle an incident at your workplace? After the preliminary response to an incident occurs, conducting an effective investigation process will help your team understand the contributing factors and lessons learned associated with the incident which can be applied to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Radiant Safety Group’s professional staff will help your team gain knowledge and understanding of what qualifies as an incident and how to conduct an effective investigation.  Working together we can assist in collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, preparing investigation documents, and establishing lessons learned or corrective actions with your team.  Additionally, you will be able to:

Conducting an effective program evaluation will allow your organization to make consistent improvement within its workplace safety program.  Allow us to assist your team  in this review to bring a structured and detail improvement process.  This evaluation process will include:

Evaluating & Updating your Safety Programs

Evaluation of your  safety program is necessary to ensure they are being implemented as intended. This review process should occur throughout the year  as special needs dictate and annually at a minimum.

When a program evaluation identifies an opportunity to improve, the organization in coordination with their employees should make necessary adjustments and monitor how well the program performs as a result.

Company Safety Teams / Committees

Best in class safety performance lives within employee engagement, and a  proven method to encourage active participation is to implement a company Safety Team. 

Effective safety teams help share the responsibilities of implementing and monitoring the company’s safety program and provide a great dialogue between management and the workforce.

Contact us to find out how we can help your organization set-up and maintain an effective internal safety team.  An example of responsibilities within an effective team could include:

  • Developing safe work practices.
  • Crafting written safety programs.
  • Leading safety training.
  • Conducting workplace inspections and safety audits.
  • Reviewing incidents, near misses, incident investigation reports, claim summaries and loss analyses to prevent reoccurrences of similar incidents.
  • Proposing and creating safety checklists.
  • Promoting employees’ interests in health and safety issues.
  • Providing a forum in which employees and management can discuss health and safety issues and collaborate on solutions.
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